... and welcome to Asgodia. A place once filled to the brim with players and NPCs alike.
After the player base of the original Middle Ages: Online died in the 90s, the NPCs of Asgodia were left with no one to help them out. With things out of their control, they were forced to live in a purgatory until one day, a lone player showed up.
At first, the lone player was a boon to the NPCs - a quiet type, who kept to himself in this otherwise online game. But as time went on, weird things started to happen to the land of Asgodia... then suddenly, in the 2020s, more players started to arrive again.
Perhaps you would like to join them?
"Where the hell have you been, Daywalkr?" You may ask.
"This game looks cool, what the hell is going on with it?" You may also ask.
These are both very valid questions! The answer to the first isn't the most satisfying -- I've been busy! Both with MA:O and stuff going on in my personal life (new job and just real life getting in the way of game dev), 2024 was just a busy year, and I did not get as much done on MA:O as I had intended.
However, I am happy to report that development on MA:O is still going strong! I am still working dilligently to ensure that the game's penultimate update before a Steam release, the "Growing Pains" update, is getting done.
There's evidence of this in the game at large, and some of the biggest changes that returning players may notice are...
So, a lot has happened to the live game, but there's a lot more that's been going on behind the scenes as well!
By my (historically terrible) estimations, I would say we are 3-5 months away from the Growing Pains update being released. After which, it is my plan to finish the game's main story (through Class Rank 6), get some basic end game content in, and release this puppy to Steam finally!
So, it's a ways away, but it's still my plan. MA:O is still in development, it's a big project with only one active developer (me, though I am blessed to get occasional help and also with an incredible artist), and I appreciate your patience as I continue to work to make MA:O the best 2D MMORPG on the market, free from hostile MTX bull shit!
So, hello to anyone coming from Waydot's video on 2D MMORPGS! Please, give the game a try. There will not be a character wipe -- any progress you make will be kept. Hop in the discord, join the community, and prep for the next big update! It'll be the best one yet, I promise you that.
- Daywalkr <3
Middle Ages: Online's second major content expansion released on December 21st, 2023!
There's never been a better time to play. Come join our discord and the awesome game that is Middle Ages: Online!
The warrior's goal is to take one for the team. As the tankiest class, a warrior is capable of taking physical blows while keeping their friends safe and away from enemy harm.
The primary subclasses for the Warrior are Fighter, Paladin, and Barbarian.
Warriors will dedicate themselves to learning different weapons and may spend a lot of time in the mines or at the forge to expand their collection.
Warriors train at the Warrior's Refuge in Norsche Canyon.
The mage's main concerns are ranged spell damage, crowd control, and party support.
The primary subclasses for the Mage are Elemental Mage, Holy Mage, and Spellsword.
Mages will focus primarily on crafting and learning spell recipes and less so on learning a wide array of weapons, though they still have some say in the matter.
Mages hone their skills at the Wizard’s Tower in Westhelm.
The rogue's job is to deal high burst damage to their foes, either at range or in close combat. Their maneuverability can get them out of tight situations and allows them to perform stealth attacks.
The primary subclasses for the Rogue are Assassin, Archer, and Trickster.
A rogue will likely prioritize hunting and tanning leathers as well as woodcutting, especially so if they become archers.
Rogues hone their skills at the Rogue’s Encampment in Vennerwood.
A guild hall, ripe for the taking
Mining in the Norsche Caves
Fishing along the Norsche River
Cutting trees north of Fenwyndell
Exploring a dark cave